1:21am. My neighbours getting in the Hallowe’en spirit! I like this shot, I think the over-exposure is a little creepy. Exp time: 1 second. Flash: No
From my apartment, across the bridge that goes over the lake, to here. Exp time: 6 seconds. Flash: No. Click on the picture for a bigger image.
1:26am. From the pool, turning right onto the footpath, looking right, across the lake at the corner of the building which house my apartment. Exp time: 1 second. Flash: No.
Looking the opposite direction from the previous shot. The apartment complex’s clubhouse (yellow building in the pool shot) is visible in the upper-left. Exp time: 1 second. Flash: No.
Monster trees! Exp time: 1 second. Flash: No.
1:31am. Turning back onto the path again, walking between the lake and the waterfront side of the apartment complex. Check out the railing shadow being cast on the side of the wall. Exp Time: 2 seconds. Flash: No.
An alien being emits light in the shrubbery! Exp time: 2 seconds. Flash: No.
1:42am. I was kinda surprised, but Hallowe’en seems to be alive and well in Sarasota, at least at my aparment complex. Lots of decorations going up. In this shot I am close to Cam’s apartment complex, and as far away from mine as I get in this set. Cropped. Exp time: 2 seconds. Flash: No.
Heading back toward my house. Moon across the lake, reflected in the water. Exp time: 10 seconds. Flash: No.
The moon. If you look closely, you can even see the dark half! (Windows users, you may need to turn up the brightness on your monitor). Exp time: 1 second. Flash: No.
See the two rows of bright dots which run horizontally across this photo? The top row contains lights which line a bridge; the bottom row is their reflection in the water. To the right of the bridge is the pool, to the left, my apartment building. Exp time: 5 seconds. Flash: No.
1:54am. Dead ahead, the pool. Exp time: 5 seconds. Flash: No.
Here’s the bridge from a couple shots up. The two posts in the foreground belong to the gates which the apartment admins are always forgetting to lock (to everyone’s benefit). Directly behind me: the pool. Exp time: 5 seconds. Flash: No.
1:58am. Across the bridge on the other side, the ground floor of my apartment building. Exp time: 5 seconds. Flash: No.
3 responses to “Nighttime walk”
dope pictures!
thank you! 😀
Being a kid and going trick-or-treating at your apartment complex would be rad — express door to door candy gathering!