Oh, crap

So.. I’ve got a junk mail filter in my email program. It learns what is and is not junk mail over time.
Recently, Davin turned on the mailserver on his robot, so now I get emailed whenever someone posts a comment to my blog.
Today, for the first time, my email program sorted one of the comment-notification emails into my Junk mailbox. Problem: the email in question was blog-spam and needed to be dealt with by hand. If my email program puts into my Junk mailbox, how am I going to spot it?


4 responses to “Oh, crap”

  1. Can’t you set up some kind of rule in your junk mail filter so that all of the emails from the comment notification get sorted into a “comments” folder in your mail program?

  2. Oh, er… yeah. I knew that. 🙂

  3. haha, good one, i love brain farts

  4. haha way to go krishen!!