While waiting at a stop light yesterday, a leaf jumped out of my fingers while I was removing it from my car’s windshield. This, of course, totally freaked the hell out of me, and I nervously peered around to see who had seen me jump in my chair.
Turns out, said leaf was not actually a leaf at all but a grasshopper, cleverly coloured and textured to look like a leaf. Stem and everything.
In the process of trying to hop away, it lost a leg (which I later discovered was caught between the driver’s side door and the car body). Had it looked more like a grasshopper and not a leaf, I probably wouldn’t have touched it. How’s that for a little evolutionary irony? Grasshoppers need to start looking like the the black of the rubber liner on car doors methinks.
Anyhow, the weekend was composed of movie, work, Ultimate, and movie.
Blue Velvet was…. well, definitely Lynch. Not sure how much I like it yet. Here’s why I’ve liked Lynch films so much so far — they’ve made me think about what I’m watching. Blue Velvet was more of straight-ahead look at a deviant side of an otherwise sleepy small town. Definitely not as mixed up (and hence, interesting) as Lost Highway or Mulholland Drive, but you can definitely see how he “got there from here”.
If you like the show, then you’ll love Kids in the Hall: Same Guys, New Dresses. It follows the Canadian five-some on tour, back together again for the first time since 1996 when Brain Candy was released and promptly met with a dismal performance at the box office. KitH: SGND didn’t include as many skits as I was hoping for (“I’m crushing your head!!”), focusing more the tour itself, but it was still a lot of fun, including a great bit where the Kids meet up with Conan and Andy. Definitely worth the rental for any fan of the series.
Finally, I spent a little bit of Saturday working on a wee homework assignment. It’s not too late to participate, do have a look, take a few shots, and send ’em in. It’ll be neat to see what everyone comes up with.