So what’s new? …and krishenblog assignment

Well, for starters I’m taking a photography class. It’s an introductory course, but I wanted to start at the start, so I here I am. It’s less about the technical aspects of using your camera, and more about the art of photography, so that’s perfect for me. Having had my camera since 2002, we know each other pretty well.
That said, we covered F-stops vs shutter speeds on the first day ๐Ÿ™‚ Wheee… it’s gonna be fun. At the end we have to present a portfolio, and somewhere along the way, we have to do a presentation on a photographer of historical significance of some kind (our choice). So that’s pretty neat. And I convinced Louis to take the class with me, so that’s pretty fun too! Our first assignment was to bring in 3 pictures of both patterns and texture (the way light strikes a subject), so last Saturday I traipsed about Sarasota in search of things to photograph.
And photograph them I did. I took 88 photos that day; shortlisted 33 and picked out these six (click for bigitude):

What do you guys think? It was actually a pretty fun assignment; if you’re up for it, I’d love to see what you come up with. Send your shots to my gmail account, and next Friday and I’ll post whatever I’ve got. Again, three shots of texture (how light hits a subject) and three of patterns.
Anyway, I’m pretty happy about the class so far. Our next class is a field trip out to Siesta Key to take some long exposure shots, so that’ll be fun. Last class we were out in the parking lot and had one of our classmates drive his car by so we could take slow-shutter shots of his taillights ๐Ÿ™‚

Also, just in case any of you are trying to decide on a movie, do not see: Flyboys (okay special effects, not much else), Employee of the Month (a few laughs, but not quite enough to be worth it), or, especially, The Marine. After that film you’ll be wishing you had spent the last 90 minutes getting a root canal. On the plus side, at least it was short.


8 responses to “So what’s new? …and krishenblog assignment”

  1. Sure … no bigitude pics on the bottom three … geez. Love the pics – last one is very artsy. The other two car shots are great sequential images.
    It is about time that I break the camera out of the closet again – been leaving it at home FAR to often.

  2. Thank you! Try the biggitude now ๐Ÿ™‚
    Yep.. maybe you can get some shots for the assignment ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. I loved the first set of photos! They were really good in my opinion.
    Glad to hear that you are having fun over there!

  4. Thank you! Yes, the class is a lot of fun.. been a long time “in the coming” so to speak. I’m so thrilled to go on a field trip for class… I mean, this is the kind of thing I did for fun back home on my own so doing it for class is nothing but great ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Your class sounds like fun! Love the first shot.
    If you want a good recommendation for a movie to see: The Science of Sleep (might be over at the theatre already) and the Departed (pretty violent but the acting is brilliant).
    Also, a belated thanks for the postcard. It’s on the fridge!

  6. Hey Julie, you’re welcome… haha.. I guess Moveable Type marked my last comment as spam so it wasn’t posted until just now — fun is the operative word ๐Ÿ™‚ And thank you for the recommendations! Looks like Science is playing tomorrow… ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Awesome pictures and awesome for you to take the class, I am trying to do the same but can’t find any suitable courses to take here in Edmonton.
    Anyways, can you extend the deadline as I am currently staying at my b-friend’s pad and have no access to my photos and my camera.
    Enjoy the class!

  8. Hey Mavis, thank you ๐Ÿ™‚ I may well extend the deadline, because I’ve had no response except for you ๐Ÿ˜

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