Marketing copy from my bank in Seattle
Just a quick update to bring you up to speed.
Last night I watched (and quite enjoyed) Signs by M. Night Shyamalan, which I borrowed from JeffBuster (a.k.a. Jeff’s shelf) Saturday. It’s obvious Mr. Shyamalan puts quite a bit of thinking into his films before he does them. I was watching the “Making Of” portion of the DVD, and he said it started off small, and that now, before he can convince himself a script is worth considering for production, it has to meet 8 criteria. He didn’t list them all, but some of them include universality and suspense — two qualities which Signs definitely had. Signs was all about faith. And suspense. It had plenty of that. Night cites Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds and the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers among his influences. Lovely film. For what it’s worth, I got up from bed and made sure all the doors were locked halfway through. Recommended. With a friend.
Made it an early night after the movie ended — spent all of today (Tuesday) in representing the company by myself in Orlando. I was out of the house for the 2.5 hour drive by 7:20 and made it there with a few minutes to spare. After I got home, I found out there were some, er, differences in opinion about how things went. But I’m pretty happy gaining the experience nonetheless.
Also, tonight was supposed to be the night where we sorted out my Ultimate team’s admin issues, but only 7 (less than half) people showed up, so we couldn’t make any big decisions. This probably had something to do with the large quantities of rain, but so far as I know, no-one’s going to melt, so it’s not really a good excuse. So I’ve sent out the minutes to our email listserv, and stated we’ll take a vote on a few issues next week — attendance is mandatory!
And now, I eat.
Update, 1:09am: I am done eating! And I keep forgetting to do this, but I had better before it’s totally useless. Wondering what to get me for Christmas? Well, ponder no longer — check out my almost-all-new 2003 wishlist! It’s not finished yet, but if you’re looking for ideas, check it out. It’s all there, with representatives from all the price ranges… 😉