Tag: Environment

  • Hurricane Jeanne; Computer fixed; Ulti Championship Pics; Dodsworth; Jacoby Colliseum

    Remember how I said it looked like I was in the clear as far as hurricanes went? Well Hurricane Jeanne had another idea. Here’s are two tracks of Jeanne, separated by 24 hrs: Jeanne’s estimated path as of Friday, 5am EST. Source: NOAA Jeanne’s estimated path as of Saturday, 5am EST. Source: NOAA As you…

  • Just published by Tourism Florida

    …though of course, for the time being it looks like we’re in the clear *fingers crossed* [Visit the National Hurricane Center]

  • Frances

    So… this afternoon, as I was checking what the weather would be like in Victoria for next Wednesday evening’s special event (more info soon!), Carlos happened by my cube and asked if I was checking what the path of Hurricane Frances. For those that don’t know, it’s looking like Florida is going to get hit…