Tag: Friends
New toy… iPod Touch
On Thursday, after spotting this post on MacRumors that some people had already been able to purchase iPod Touches* from the SoHo Apple store in NYC (a full two weeks before the official release date of Sept 28th), I shot Jeff an email; I knew he was already interested in getting one, and so was…
Lainey’s Housewarming
Cowboy guy and Cleopatra I went to this great housewarming party last weekend at my friend Lainey‘s house. The theme was “come as your favorite celebrity, dead or alive”. I went as Elvis. There was Indian music, games of cups, great art, a congo line, yummy rum drinks, two Britneys, a skateboarding dog and discussion…
Hello delurkers!
Thanks for posting your comments… keep ’em coming 🙂 The pic below was assembled from vertically-oriented shots roughly aligned in DoubleTake and tweaked by hand. I left the edges in, just to show how much each photo had to be distorted in order to fit together. Clicky for mediumy (if anyone is interested in the…