Tag: Hurricanes
Hurricane Wilma
A quick update on the whole Hurricane Wilma thing. Well, I made it home safely from Columbus, Ohio Friday night. Saturday was a lot of unpacking and food buying. Cam and Melissa invited me over for dinner, where I got to see Cam’s mom and grandma, which was cool — with Joe that made four…
The Perils of Hurricane Preparedness
See how the cupboard doors don’t line up in that second shot? And how the fan isn’t directly attached underneath? The irony here is I bought that water as part of my hurricane preparation — and it’s what wreaking havoc on my apartment. Maintenance says they’ll be back to look at it in a couple…
Hurricane Dennis
CNN: Hurricane Dennis sweeps across Cuba Here we go again. In the image below, I’m on the west coast of Florida, just about where the white line hits the land, near “Sat PM”. So, at least right now, it looks like I’ll be okay. More as things develop in the extended.