Tag: Hurricanes

  • Just published by Tourism Florida

    …though of course, for the time being it looks like we’re in the clear *fingers crossed* [Visit the National Hurricane Center]

  • Frances

    So… this afternoon, as I was checking what the weather would be like in Victoria for next Wednesday evening’s special event (more info soon!), Carlos happened by my cube and asked if I was checking what the path of Hurricane Frances. For those that don’t know, it’s looking like Florida is going to get hit…

  • Charley, housewarmings, and Garden State

    So the weekend was much fun. Three things. The first is about what Hurricane Charley foisted upon Port Charlotte and the surrounding area. The second is about my Saturday night housewarming. The third is about Garden State, a movie I saw on Sunday. Charley. Boy, it really hit Port Charlotte hard. I went with Cam,…