Tag: Music

  • Hybrid at the Amphitheatre – Ybor City

    So Hybrid was fantastic! They friggin 0wned the joint! I took over 260 shots; the best 19 are here. 🙂 The night started out by leaving work in a mad rush, picking up Cam and bootin’ a 1/2 hour north to pick up Jeff. We got to Ybor City a little after 9pm. Ybor City…

  • And I just can’t hide it

    It’s kinda hard to put into words how excited I am right now. Hybrid. Live. Tomorrow night. Woooooo!!! For those who aren’t acquainted with Hybrid, go check out hybridized.org and some of the dozens of sets available for download and/or streaming. In particular, have a listen to the latest one — Hybrid – Maida Vale…

  • Time to Relax

    It’s beautiful outside. This shot was taken about 10 minutes ago, through the screen door for my porch. Today, I am going to lose some hair. On purpose of course. Photos to follow. mp3 [6:53, 192kpbs, 9.4mb]