Tag: Reviews
We Win!, An Inconvenient Truth, Serenity/Equality Now
My Ultimate Frisbee team (aka “Butch’s Team”) won its first game of the season this past Thursday night, so I’m pretty happy about that. Yesterday’s 5pm pickup game at Lakewood Ranch got lightninged-out. Work is busy. A new schedule has been set, so the heat is back on. Friday night I saw An Inconvenient Truth…
Dark Water
I watched Dark Water last night. If you like Hitchcockian thrillers in the vein of Vertigo, rent it. Apart from a couple of moments that made me say “what? as if that would happen!”, it was a very enjoyable 105 minutes. The pacing was good, and the fear of protagonist Dahlia (played by the ever-beautiful…
Quivver – Space Manoeuvres Part 3 (Breaks Mix)
I would just like to say that this song, particularly this version of it, rocks my socks. I just *love* the Dark City quote (as spoken by Kiefer Sutherland): First, there was darkness. Then came the Strangers. They were the race as old as time itself. They had mastered the ultimate technology– the ability to…