Tag: Reviews
Wot Evr
Sorry for the lack of updates — between work and Ultimate I’ve pretty much exhausted all the energy I’ve got. And I should clarify, not just playing Ultimate, helping to organize a league of it. I’m in charge of the cashflow, and let me tell you, I’ve got a receipt book, balance sheet, savings account…
A History of Violence
Tom and Edie Stall share a stressful moment in A History of Violence Rented A History of Violence on Saturday night. This is easily one of the best movies I’ve seen this year. It is entirely character driven. Canadian writer/director David Cronenberg, better known for his unusual explorations of sexuality (Crash, no relation to the…
Memoirs of a Geisha
Director Rob Marshall, Ziyi Zhang and Ken Watanabe on the set of Memoirs So I saw Memoirs of a Geisha yesterday at the dollar theatre. I should note I haven’t read the book, so this is from a newcomer’s point of view. Memoirs is a dark and uplifting picture of one geisha’s life, set in…