Tag: Reviews

  • Cam, Good Feedback, Ultimate and Drive-thru Everything!

    Oh man! So Cam arrived last night around 8pm. After a downing a couple of BEvERages and making my now-classic carribean jerk-chicken fajitas (soo good!), we watched Bend It Like Beckham [imdb] [trailer]. Bend It is about an Indian girl in England battling a generational and cultural divide. If you’ve been paying close attention, you…

  • Ultimate Pictures & iPhoto 2

    So I promised you guys some pictures from Ultimate, and they’re ready for you! Be forewarned, this is one largeass JPEG — click at your own risk! Wow, whatta day! Work was, um, a little less hectic than normal. We were focusing on getting the product we’ve been working on for the last 6 months…

  • Pumpkin

    I just saw the film Pumpkin, starring Christina Ricci. A perfect sorority sister’s world gets turned upside down when she has to work with a physically challenged “special” student athlete in order to help her sisters win sorority-of-the-year. I very much enjoyed this film. While there was one scene where I found myself saying “yeah…