Tag: Reviews
Super Size Me
It only took 7 years but I finally saw Super Size Me. The central question asked by the film: If McDonald’s truly has no share of the blame in the obesity epidemic, then what happens if you eat only their food for a month? Morgan Spurlock takes on a task that everyone expects won’t have…
Speedy J: Ginger (1993)
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mom’s out there! I love you mom! I had something ridiculously awesome happen to me at the Goodwill the other day. *beat* First a little backstory. Back at the end of high school and first year university, I used to go out to a coffee shop in downtown Victoria…
From GoDaddy to DreamHost
So, with luck you haven’t noticed any downtime– but over the weekend, I switched hosting services from GoDaddy to DreamHost. A big thank-you to my brother Davin for getting me started with my own domain, and managing it for me for the past three years 🙂 So far I am totally happy. I’d never transferred…