Tag: Ultimate
We Win!, An Inconvenient Truth, Serenity/Equality Now
My Ultimate Frisbee team (aka “Butch’s Team”) won its first game of the season this past Thursday night, so I’m pretty happy about that. Yesterday’s 5pm pickup game at Lakewood Ranch got lightninged-out. Work is busy. A new schedule has been set, so the heat is back on. Friday night I saw An Inconvenient Truth…
Congratulations UFUCT!
The University of Florida Ultimate Club Team (UFUCT) won the open (men’s) college championship yesterday in Columbus, Ohio, in their first year qualifying since 1989. An excerpt from the writeup: Never before in the College Championships have two such dominant teams faced off for the title, with Florida and Wisconsin coming in with a combined…
Ridiculous vert
Beau Kittridge from UC- Boulder’s Ultimate Frisbee team- Mamabird jumps over a guy. AKA- Ridiculous.