Tag: Work

  • You know you’re up too early when…

    your mind refuses to stop servicing a dream you were having, even 15 minutes after “getting up”. In other news, Mavis arrives from Edmonton tomorrow and I have all of next week off! Yay friend coming to visit! Yay vacation!

  • Wot Evr

    Sorry for the lack of updates — between work and Ultimate I’ve pretty much exhausted all the energy I’ve got. And I should clarify, not just playing Ultimate, helping to organize a league of it. I’m in charge of the cashflow, and let me tell you, I’ve got a receipt book, balance sheet, savings account…

  • Leesville Pictures

    I’m back.. pictures are up in the gallery. Included are some shots of the B&B I stayed at, a couple small glances at my work life and cloud pictures galore. Heh. Hope you like them. πŸ™‚In other news, I got a new oven today! Funny what you can get if you just open your mouth.…