Month: June 2004

  • TGIF

    It’s been a long week Since we last spoke, I’ve: -kept an erratic sleep schedule -videochatted with Davin -rallied the troops for the (hopefully) upcoming summer Ultimate league, scheduled to start July 1st. On the topic of that last point — I’m fronting the $25 registration fee for seven people. I’m really hoping we have…

  • Wahoo!

    It’s about time. For the curious: Season 4 was my introduction to the series when I picked it up last year. Now I must have it all!! All* I say!! *Season 6 to be picked up at later date

  • The Italian Mulholland Kemp Set BBQ

    Ed Norton’s character “Steve” takes aim in The Italian Job Did anyone download the track from yesterday? I’m really curious to know if you can hear it. Not a lot going on in Krishenland. The BBQ was a quiet but yummy affair; we watched The Italian Job as Jeff us served beer, fine margaritas, and…