It’s been a while since I’ve posted any new pictures, so I thought I’d give you, dearest loyal reader, a few.
There are three batches here. The first is from a couple weeks ago, when we got a visit from Melissa’s mom and daughter Alicia. We enjoyed dinner on the beach, and, generally, a wonderful time.
The second comes from last weekend from the first-annual local Ultimate tournament, Sarasota Pre-nats, held at the Sarasota Polo Grounds, the same place the UPA Club Championships are held in the fall.
America is the land of the bumper sticker (or was that free?), and Ultimate players make no exception. ๐
Heh. Here are a few pictures from the tournament itself:
Alec and Capt Tom
Tournament director Ben Stone (in the hat)
Shot of the grandstand.
Joe tiptoes for a high throw
UF championship boatracer Cathy throws a backhand to her Hungry Hungry Humans teammate
Darren goes “sploosh”. There were probably a couple of inches of standing water on the fields on Saturday
Jake misses the defensive block but looks good doing it
View from the grandstand
I received a link to 199 pictures from Dan and Lori over at Space Coast Ultimate, one of the teams we played against that weekend. Thanks guys. If you hunt around, you might find a couple of me in there ๐
And from the week before that, here’s a couple shots from hitting Jeff‘s place with Kemp, Mark and his girls. We were playing “Need for Speed Most Wanted” — these pictures really don’t do the Xbox 360 justice; the graphics were simply amazing.
2 responses to “Cam, Melissa and family; Sarasota Pre-nats; Jeff and the Xbox 360”
Wow … that was a great shot of Joe and I … is there anyway that we can grab a copy of that edition.
Definitely… I’ll throw the full version up plus a bonus I think you might like and send you the links ๐