Face off!
Chatted with Jayne over MSN Messenger last night. We used to work together at the Clearihue Computing Facility at UVic. Music, photos, and stories were swapped, good times definitely had. That’s her on the right, her friend Anoop on the left, in Vieux Montreal, trying to be all serious. I don’t think Jayne’s doing so well… ๐
Just got back from a disc-throwing exhibition (a.k.a. Ultimate practice) and man am I ever soaked. It was pouring rain before we started and let up just so we could play — as a result it was super-humid.
Melissa is back after a couple months in Canada helping a friend move and vacation, and she came to practice with Cam and I! Since she doesn’t play, I loaned her my Powershot G3 to roam around with. Can’t wait to see her photos (I’m likely going to steal a pic or two for my next post ๐
How was your Toosday?