Tag: Music
Metric – IOU
Old world underground where are you now? Subtract my age from the mileage on my speeding heart, credit cards accelerate, accumulate looked for you downtown wound up in a movie with no story now it’s late and you are nowhere to be found hesitation’s always mine hesitate outside the times with all I don’t say…
US Supreme Court: Filesharing services may be sued
I can’t really say I’m too surprised. The way some of these filesharing services operate, it’s clear they’re being two-faced. Their suggestion is that people use filesharing services for finding free music and government filings. Free music? Okay, maaaybe. Government filings? That’s just a dumb. At least claim people are using your product for something…
Hi-res Garbage
Well, it would appear my fears were unfounded after all. It didn’t happen right away (and I haven’t left Columbus yet, so my fingers are crossed) but it looks like things are going to turn out just fine. In other news, I saw Garbage on Monday! And thus fulfilled a desire to see them live,…