Tag: Reviews

  • Beauty in the Breakdown

    Time keeps on slipping, slipping… into the future… I think I’ve been going slightly batty trying to get everything ready for next week’s big brouhaha in Tampa. Cam, too. Worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday — there before 9am and not back home before 10:30pm. We all really pulled together for this one. It wasn’t just…

  • Organic milk: what’s the deal?

    Not sure which I should be afraid of: the hormones and chemicals in regular milk, or the super-long expiry dates on the so-called organic stuff. Saw Blade: Trinity tonight. I loved it. If you liked the first two, you’ll enjoy this one. It continues the cheesy, B-movie nature of the first two films. One-liner fans,…

  • Roses are red, Violets are blue; I love Spectre…

    It’s been quite some time since I last saw a movie by myself, but I did tonight. A very short spring 2004 Ultimate organizational meeting gave me lots of time. It’s late, so this will be short (and besides, I seem to be having trouble finding words): I liked Big Fish a lot. I think…