Tag: Sarasota

  • Car broken into

    Today sucked. My car got broken into sometime last night, along with 4 others from the complex. Nothing was stolen (that I’ve found yet, anyway); a police report was filed; prints were taken. Just the right-passenger side window damaged. Called my insurance, but since I didn’t have comprehensive vehicle damage coverage, it’ll be all out…

  • Heat: on

    My blood has definitely thinned. It’s 66 (=19 C) out and I turned the heat on. First time since…. February? The air in my apartment has the scent of burnt dust. Mmm. The humidity feels like it’s pretty much absent, though weather.com tells me it’s 55%. The past few days have been gorgeous, with the…

  • The last two weeks, in pictures*

    * when not at work 🙂