Tag: Work
HPSN — the tradeshow that my company puts on — was a huge success this year. Attendance was up, and we introduced a new product, METI Vision, that’s pretty exciting for us. In essence it’s a video recording system that can not only be played back anywhere there’s a web browser, but if desired, can…
Fallout 2007
Where have I been? Super busy Krishen. Organizing the upcoming Ultimate league; playing in tournaments and working 🙂 Here’s some pics and videos I took at this year’s Fallout tournament, which took place last weekend.
Hackers; UPA Club Ultimate Championships; Camping
So, chilling at home. Thursday night. Doing laundry and watching “Hackers” for the first time in something like 10 years. Jeff loaned it to me; I think I’m going to buy it. Yeah the tech is a little dated, but it’s charismatic, the soundtrack is great, and Angelina Jolie is freakin hot. It’s also a…