Car broken into

Today sucked.
My car got broken into sometime last night, along with 4 others from the complex. Nothing was stolen (that I’ve found yet, anyway); a police report was filed; prints were taken. Just the right-passenger side window damaged. Called my insurance, but since I didn’t have comprehensive vehicle damage coverage, it’ll be all out of pocket. That’s okay; the deductible would have probably been more than the repair bill anyway (got a quote at $195).
I left a message with the apartment complex shortly after I discovered it around 8:30 this morning; so far they have not returned my call.


9 responses to “Car broken into”

  1. I am sorry to see that and hope tomorrow will be a better day.

  2. Aw thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ Got the window fixed at lunch today… except it doesn’t have tint so it looks kind of funny (maybe “funnier” would be a better way to put it, ha ha)

  3. Well, look on the bright side: at least there was no possibility of them stealing your bumper!

  4. That’s what you get for parking in Vancouver when you live in Sarasota. errrr. jklol that sucks!

  5. Eric: earlier my boss said, “I bet they were coming to steal your bumper and were so pissed they broke your window.” ๐Ÿ™‚
    Davin: hahah, yeah, that’s exactly what I thought ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Hum, you still hasn’t gotten the bumper put back on?!

  7. No; when I got the work estimated, it was 2/3 the cost of what I paid for the whole car, so I didn’t bother. Anyway, it gets me around for the time being. I’d like to get another car this year..

  8. I seem to remember someone said, “I was going to get the bumper replaced before you arrived …” and that was one and a half year ago; the summer when you and I went to Orlando …
    Good old days …

  9. Yeah, guess it doesn’t matter to me as much as it used to ๐Ÿ™‚

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