
Boo! Hey all.
Been a while, yes, I know, what’s new right? But you’re all reading this with your RSS reader, right?
If you’re not, check out Google Reader. It’s a free, always-accessible web application made by Google, that makes keeping up with infrequently updated sites like this one, a snap. Instead of you having to check in on the website all the time for new content, it will do drudge work for you, and TELL YOU when there’s an update. Then you can read it, any any other sites you’ve “subscribed to”, right from within their user interface. Very handy.
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I’ve been doing well; very busy at work, which is a good thing to be sure in this economy. But it’s left little time for other activiities, such as writing here. I seem to have gotten either a spare moment, or I’m just taking a moment, to take a breath, so I thought I’d give you all an update.
Not even sure if I’ve mentioned it here before or not, and I’m too lazy to go check the archives; in any case, I’ve moved in with Joy and things are going well. I’m almost unpacked; there are a few boxes here and there but it’ll just take another couple hours of dedicated cleanup and I should be moved in!
One of the things I’ve been unpacking is my computer, my trusty old G4/733 Quicksilver. It recently had what I think is a videocard failure; thing is, I replaced the video card with what I thought was the stock card (ebayed for $15), and now it’s giving me a kernel panic upon boot. It’s got Tiger (10.4) installed on it, and I tried booting from a Leopard (10.5) install cd, but no dice. I’m suspecting the card I got from eBay was bad, so I’ll be looking for another shortly to see if I can get my computer up and going again. Optimally I’d like to have it working before the next OS X release is out (Sept?), so I can advertise it on Craigslist as having the “latest OS” 🙂
That’s all for now.. more to come later.


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