Thinking about replacing my iMac’s internal HD. Making a note here of someone else who has done it so I don’t forget.
Unknown file activity on your Mac? Boot up fseventer
My 2009 27″ iMac is starting to show its age. So when its hard drive started crunching this morning (and bringing the machine to a crawl), I wanted to know a little more. The command-line utility fs_usage is good if there’s not much going on, but if there’s a lot, the information flies by far too quickly to get good sense of what’s going on.
fseventer — donation-ware by Robert Pointon of fernLighting — is a great way to figure out what’s going on. It provides the interesting information from
, but it does so in a fun, visual, animated way. Highly recommended. -
Turn on Syntax Highlighting in Vi in OS X
This set of instructions for turning on syntax highlighting in vi (vim, in fact) worked like a charm.