• Super Size Me

    Screen shot 2011-02-13 at 1.22.06 PM.png
    Screen shot 2011-02-13 at 1.21.06 PM.png
    It only took 7 years but I finally saw Super Size Me.
    The central question asked by the film: If McDonald’s truly has no share of the blame in the obesity epidemic, then what happens if you eat only their food for a month?
    Morgan Spurlock takes on a task that everyone expects won’t have good results. But not even the three doctors he goes to to help him with the experiment expect what actually ends up happening (hint: it’s not good).
    I really enjoyed the old-school science approach he took here (“No-one willing to do the experiment? Do it to yourself”). It would have been nice to have heard from McDonald’s, but Spurlock can’t be blamed for lack of trying. After numerous attempts to contact them, the golden arches wouldn’t agree to an interview. Adding to the dramatic tension is the fact that Spurlock’s girlfriend is a vegan chef.
    4.5/5 stars.
    Bonus: McDonald’s song by 4CHIN500!
    Let Me Stuff My Face