• Finder crashing? Check your Dropbox version

    Screen Shot 2013-11-27 at 11.09.57 AM

    Recently my Finder started crashing multiple times per day, so I opened up the Console application and looked for the crashlogs. Looks like Dropbox was the culprit. In each of the 14 Finder crashes I’ve had since November 4 2013, the following line appears in the crashing thread:

    4 com.evenflow.dropbox.dropboxbundle 0x0000000102cad2d0 -[DropboxStream removeObserver:forPath:] + 206

    After a short bit of Googling, I ran into this thread on apple.com, which contained the line:

    “This may have nothing to do with your Finder crashes, but do you have a Lion-compatible version of Dropbox installed?”

    …which got me thinking. I’m running OS X 10.8.5. Looking at my Dropbox version (Menubar > Dropbox icon > Preferences > Account), I saw that my Dropbox version was 1.6.4 and that the software had no mechanism to autoupdate nor a way to “check for updates”.

    So I checked Dropbox’s website, and lo-and-behold, the current version is 2.4.7, which I promptly installed. Hopefully this cures my woes!

  • MacBook Pro HFS corruption

    Seeing a bunch of this recently at work. The root cause is eluding me at the moment… if you’ve seen it, please chime in!
