• Movember 2021

    During the month of Movember, I start the month clean-shaven and grow a moustache for 30 days to raise funds and awareness for men’s health issues: prostate and testicular cancers, physical inactivity, poor mental health & suicide prevention. Funds raised will back care programs for people affected and leading-edge research into cures. This is my 11th year participating! It’s a rewarding (and itchy) experience. 🙂 My goal this year is to run/walk 60 miles and raise $2750. So far I’ve raised $2147 and I’ve moved 37 miles. Will you help me cross the finish line? Donate to my campaign here: https://mobro.co/krishen

  • How to Speed up Excel

    On a Mac? Excel running slowly for you? Copying four cells causing a beachball? Have a clipboard manager (e.g. PasteBot, or BetterTouchTool)?

    Turns out, in Excel, when you copy something, in addition to copying the text data, Excel also generates a picture. While it’s doing that, it blocks the clipboard manager, causing the beachball. Found this info on a BetterTouchTool user forum post, but it equally affects my clipboard manager of choice, PasteBot. I’m guessing this also affects any other Office application (e.g. Word), but haven’t tested it — just added both Excel and Word to the Pastebot exclusions list. I’ll gladly take the loss of clipboard history for the increase in speed — nothing more frustrating than having to wait on your brand new computer.

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